  • Broschüre zu Klimaschutz und Energiewende.
  • Broschüre zu Klimaschutz und Energiewende.
  • Zeitungsartikel über Energieeffizienz und Heizsysteme.

"Hall buildings 'tick' differently" - Interview with Thomas Kübler in the FAZ supplement

How can we ensure that the energy transition is also a successful project in commercial and industrial buildings? Thomas Kübler sheds light on this question in the FAZ, special supplement "Climate protection & energy transition".
We are delighted that this focus interview by @reflexverlag has reached the readership of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung!

Please feel free to read it.

#Energy transition #Climate protection #Industry #Hall buildings #Sustainability #FAZ #Commercial #Energy efficiency #ReflexVerlag #Innovation


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