

June 13, 2023
FUTURA hall heating on steel girders of an industrial hall
The multi-energy IR hall heating system with integrated lighting function has already won its fourth design award in prestigious competitions for innovation and its valuable contribution to the energy transition.

It is now official: FUTURA has been awarded a Special Mention in the FOCUS OPEN category - a valuable confirmation of the quality of this product development in an international comparison. With this award, the Design Center Baden-Württemberg recognizes a level of design that goes beyond the established level.

"FUTURA can meet the requirements of the energy transition in industrial and commercial buildings, and do so simply and affordably," says Thomas Kübler, Managing Partner of KÜBLER GmbH. With its multi-energy infrared heating system (dark radiator type), the company has developed an answer to the current dilemma of renewable energies, whose use is demanded on the one hand, but which are not sufficiently and reliably available on the other.

The multi-energy system can make highly efficient use of renewable energies such as electricity or hydrogen. However, FUTURA can also be operated with biogas, methane or (biogenic) liquid gas. This works just as well in mono mode as it does in a mix - depending on which energy source is available at the time or is particularly cost-effective. FUTURA also has another advantage, because this world first from KÜBLER combines hall heating with hall lighting in a single system.
This also has a positive impact on sustainability, as the cost of cabling, control units and service calls, for example, is almost halved.

Infrared is the heating principle of choice for heating large industrial halls. This is because, regardless of the ceiling height at which the devices are installed, only the area that is being used is heated. In this way, infrared is similar to the heating principle of the sun. It is perceived as particularly pleasant, is draught-free and - importantly from an energy point of view - is particularly efficient, as no energy is lost in the vast space between the work area and the ceilings in the huge hall buildings. In addition, FUTURA can be easily installed or moved without touching the hall floor. In the renovation sector, this is a unique opportunity to meet the political requirements for new heating systems.

The Design Center Baden-Württemberg has been awarding the International Design Award Baden-Württemberg since 1991. In the more than 30 years of its existence, the annual International Design Award Baden-Württemberg has established itself as a permanent fixture in the economy - both nationally and internationally. Since 2009, it has been held under the compact label "FOCUS OPEN".


We look forward to your publication!

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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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