Hidden champion in the Palatinate 2022

There are 1,300 to 1,650 hidden champions in Rhineland-Palatinate*. Only 23 of these have found a place in the publication "Hidden Champions in the Palatinate". One of the silent market leaders is once again the company KÜBLER from Ludwigshafen. For decades, the specialist for energy-efficient hall heating solutions has been regarded as the innovation leader and pioneer of highly efficient technologies for the ecologically sustainable heating of industrial and other hall buildings.
"The energy transition needs more practicable solutions and fewer ideologies," says Thomas Kübler, Managing Partner and founder of KÜBLER GmbH. And he continues: "Around 15 % of GHG emissions in the entire building sector can be offset immediately with intelligent heating solutions."
With the objective of "energy saving" the company has specialized in efficiency technologies right from the start, specifically in decentralized infrared heaters of the dark radiator type. Today, KÜBLER's solutions achieve very high energy and CO2-savings, in renovation between 50 and 70 percent. They are so high that the high-efficiency technologies can already meet the requirements of the 2030 climate targets today. The Ludwigshafen-based hall heating specialist has been a technology, innovation and quality leader in this segment for over 30 years. Developments from Ludwigshafen have significantly shaped modern hall heating. Much of what is state of the art today originated in KÜBLER's R&D forge.
The ambition to be the best in its market, Highest product quality, above-average investment in research and development, focus, niche markets, close customer relationships, flat hierarchies, highly qualified staff, an above-average number of patent applications - KÜBLER reflects all of these features that characterize hidden champions by definition. In the 11/12 2021 issue of Wirtschaftsmagazin Pfalz, the author puts it like this:
"They deliberately go their own way, they reject short-lived management methods and they do many things differently to large companies: the heroes from the second tier - Hidden champions - are role models for effective and sustainable corporate development. Experts agree: "There is no one from whom entrepreneurs and managers can learn more about future-oriented management." He continues: "They are ahead in terms of employment, economic performance and innovation. And: they offer blueprints for economic success."
"There is no secret recipe. What the hidden champions do is essentially common sense: pursuing ambitious goals, being the best,"...
... is how Hermann Simon formulates his view of the hidden market leaders. The habilitated economist, founder and Honorary Chairman of the consulting firm Simon-Kucher & Partners, bestselling author and management thought leader coined the term "hidden champion" over 30 years ago and has been studying the special features of these companies for decades.
What goals do hidden champions have for the future? For the KÜBLER company, the direction is clear. Thomas Kübler: "The energy-saving heating of industrial and other hall buildings is not a trivial matter. As one of the few specialists for the special building physics conditions in this segment, it is our obligation to develop effective, economically feasible solutions for this and thus achieve the goal of CO2-to help realize neutrality."
"We want to make a contribution to ensuring a future worth living for generations to come. We therefore see it as a key task to actively use our expertise to shape the energy transition."
The Palatinate Chamber of Industry and Commerce first produced its publication "Hidden Champions in the Palatinate" in 2017 on the basis of a self-assessment by the companies and has now reissued it in a revised form. It is available at the following link:
All 23 Hidden Champions in the Palatinate are also presented on the interactive Advent calendar. Since December 1, a little door has been opening every day on the Facebook channel of the IHK Pfalz, behind which a hidden champion is hiding:
*Source: Research Center for SMEs (FZM) at the University of Trier, March 2021
You can download the press release directly here:
- Ludwigshafen, August 2023: Konrad Stockmeier, FDP member of the Bundestag from Mannheim, is a member of the Bundestag Committee for Climate Protection and Energy and his parliamentary group's rapporteur for the Building Energy Act (GEG), the so-called "Heating Act". He was involved in the negotiations on the GEG and is therefore familiar with this law. On Friday, he visited Thomas Kübler, founder and managing partner of KÜBLER GmbH, in Ludwigshafen. With his expertise as a specialist in large-capacity heating systems, the entrepreneur has been campaigning for months for commercial and industrial hall buildings to be given greater consideration in the GEG.
- The old hall heating system consumes too much energy, emits too much CO2 and is becoming increasingly unreliable. Good reasons to finally tackle heating modernization and replace the old system with a modern, energy-efficient one. But the expense seems high and is often shied away from. Yet today there are alternative solutions that can also be very interesting economically.
- The topics are as topical as they were in May, when Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt presented the prestigious Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award to KÜBLER at the award ceremony. For FUTURA, the multi-energy-capable hall heating system with integrated lighting function. The company visit to the hidden champion and innovation leader for climate-friendly hall heating technology was therefore prepared well in advance. On Thursday, the Minister of Economic Affairs met with the Managing Director of the Innovation Agency Sabine Mesletzky and Managing Director Thomas Kübler at the company's site in Ludwigshafen.
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