
Nominated for the 2019 Grand Prix for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

September 3, 2019
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The Großer Preis des Mittelstandes is one of the special awards that KÜBLER has already received. The specialist for energy-efficient hall heating technologies has also already been recognized with the coveted badge of honour. For KÜBLER, this nomination is about the last two opportunities to go one better for Germany's most coveted business award: to be named Premier or Premier Finalist in the Grand Prix for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

The nomination alone is already an award. Only one in a thousand companies in Germany makes the nomination list. KÜBLER GmbH, a specialist for high-efficiency solutions in the hall heating segment, has been one of them for years. This is a great success for the medium-sized family business based in Ludwigshafen, where nomination for this competition is regarded as an entry ticket to the "Network of the Best". You cannot apply for this yourself. As the only business award in Germany, the Grand Prix of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises does not just look at figures, innovations or jobs, but at the company as a whole and its complex role in society. As a rule, three prize winners and five finalists are honored in each of the 12 competition regions (max. two federal states). Winners from previous years can be awarded the "Plaque of Honor" or be named "Premier" and "Premier Finalist". Five competition criteria are evaluated:

  1. Overall development of the company
  2. Creating / securing jobs and apprenticeships
  3. Modernization and innovation
  4. Commitment in the region
  5. Service and customer proximity, marketing

In addition, the special prizes "Municipality of the Year" and "Bank of the Year" are awarded to institutions that have positively influenced the framework conditions for entrepreneurial activity.

The Großer Preis des Mittelstandes is considered the most coveted business award in Germany. This prize has been awarded by the Oskar Patzelt Foundation since 1994 and has itself received several awards for its achievements: the foundation was honored with the Federal Cross of Merit in 2008 and 2016 and received the Company Change Award in 2015. The importance of the competition for SMEs speaks for itself:

"The SME sector is and remains a guarantor of stability and trust in Germany. I would like to congratulate the nominees and winners of the (...) SME Grand Prix. (...) You have earned it."
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, President of the Bundestag, as Federal Minister of Finance in 2017

"The SME Grand Prix is a flagship for the prestigious Made in Germany brand."
Albrecht Gerber as Brandenburg Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

"Anyone who has been nominated here has already received a first-class award through this selection alone."
Barbara Stamm, former President of the Bavarian State Parliament

"The Oskar Patzelt Foundation's Grand Prize for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises is the most coveted business award in Germany"

The quotes prove the high reputation of the nomination for KÜBLER GmbH. The hall heating specialist now has until April 15, 2019 to compile meaningful documents and submit them online. An independent jury will then select the award winners and finalists. The award ceremonies will take place in September, followed by the national gala in October.

The KÜBLER Group

KÜBLER GmbH is an internationally active group of companies. Our core business is the development and production of highly efficient premium technologies for energy-saving hall heating. With an exceptionally wide range of products for almost all types of halls and room environments. KÜBLER is regarded as a pioneer and innovation leader in modern infrared heating technology. Our products and development achievements regularly win awards. Our national and international awards include the Federal Prize for Outstanding Innovative Achievements from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Bavarian State Prize and the German Sustainability Award. KÜBLER received the highest German award for sustainable entrepreneurship in the category "Germany's most sustainable product" for the special energy efficiency of the H.Y.B.R.I.D. system. In 2018, KÜBLER was honored for the third time with the Innovation Award of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Awarded for the innovative WÄRME 4.0 strategy - the digital hall heating system. Founded in 1989, the group of companies employs over 120 people and is one of the leading companies in the industry in Europe with locations in Ludwigshafen, Dresden, Hagen, Hamburg, Prague (Czech Republic), Fegyvernek (Hungary), numerous foreign agencies and a nationwide service network.

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