KÜBLER energy-saving hall heating technology 

Welcome to the energy transition

Nobody wants Heating costs nobody wants to pollute the environment with CO2 but everyone needs a productive and pleasant working atmosphere. Rising energy prices and legislation that is not immediately understandable do not make investment decisions any easier for companies and local authorities.
Innovation leadership


We are proud to be recognized as an innovation and technology leader in the field of energy-saving and climate-friendly hall heating systems. Our commitment to innovation, quality and sustainability has earned us multiple awards.
They are a testament to our tireless work and our efforts to continuously improve efficiency, safety and comfort in industrial and commercial buildings. They reflect our deep understanding of our customers' needs and confirm our leading position in the industry. We are grateful for this recognition and see it as an incentive to continue working on the progress of ecologically and economically effective hall heating systems - for the future of our blue planet.
  • front rh
    Focus on innovations:
    Federal Minister of Economics Dr. Robert Habeck as a guest
    Read more >
  • Innovation Award2023
    Daniela Schmitt presents KÜBLER with the 4th prize
    Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award.
  • futura home page
    Power of innovation
    Made in Germany
  • "Zukunftspreis Mittelstand 2024" trophy at event.
    KÜBLER impresses once again.
    Future Prize for SMEs 2024
    Learn more >
  • Stage at the "SME Future Day 2024" event.
    Press release Future Prize
    Small and medium-sized enterprises.
    Learn more >
For our blue planet

CO2-savings - since 1989

Since 1989, KÜBLER has realized more than 15,000 highly efficient heating projects. They achieve energy savings of up to 70 percent. As a result, they relieve the climate of many millions of tons of CO2. And every day they reduce more.
0 tons
To the CO2-Savings calculator


What's new? What is important? What will help you? Our news, blog articles and online training courses will keep you up to date. It's all about your industrial & commercial buildings, decarbonization & energy transition, legislation & politics, technology & efficiency. Do you have any questions? Then simply contact Contact us on
  • No energy transition without an economic policy transition

    "We want the energy transition. But we can't really afford it under these political conditions!" Thomas Kübler no longer feels like laughing when he talks about Germany as a business location. According to the IMD Competiveness Ranking 2024[1], our once leading industrial nation has slipped from 6th to 24th place in just ten years. 45 percent of industrial companies [...]
  • Don't worry about the heating law for indoor heating systems!

    The decision on the Heating Act (Building Energy Act - GEG) has been made, but the questions remain. But there is no need to worry: the legislator has provided for generous transition periods, technological openness and pragmatic, affordable regulations for the gradual move towards climate-neutral heating by 2045. Dr. Jens Findeisen explains what you need to know now when heating commercial and industrial buildings
  • The economy speaks ESG and heats multi-energy flexibly.

    ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and refers to the three key areas of sustainable corporate management: environment, social affairs and corporate governance. But what does this have to do with you and the way you heat your production halls and warehouses?
  • Energy guzzler hall heating - 9 savings tips from the expert

    The energy crisis is currently leaving no one indifferent. Everyone is desperately looking for ways to get consumption and costs under control to some extent. The German government's price brake will not take effect until March 2023, and even then, the prices for 30 percent above the basic quota for industry and 20 percent for small and medium-sized enterprises will still be subject to the wild market conditions next year. So what to do?
  • How to regulate your hall heating during the Christmas break - and how to cleverly counter rising energy prices

    Christmas is once again approaching surprisingly quickly - and, unfortunately, one or two challenges are on the horizon. From 3G and 2G plus to the next increases in energy prices. Congratulations if you have already converted your hall heating to an economical system from KÜBLER. This is a really good decision in many respects.
  • The CO2-tax: What does it mean for your company?

    In 2021, the new CO2-tax came into force. It is intended to help Germany achieve its climate protection targets. Read on to find out what this means for your company in terms of costs and what you should do now!
  • Revolutionary heat: KÜBLER hall heating systems set a new standard at the Mußbach gymnastics club

    Turnverein 1860 Mußbach e.V. is a traditional sports club with a long history. Since it was founded in 1860, it has got a large number of people of all ages and backgrounds moving and now has over 1,200 members. The club offers a wide range of sporting activities. Dieter Hackebeil, former chairman of the club and now (un)retired, was the main person responsible for the renewal of the heating system at the time and can "only praise KÜBLER to the skies." Satisfaction and conviction are the key words here.
  • Plan your heating maintenance now and start the winter safely

    Nobody thinks about the hall heating when the sun is blazing, the asphalt is glowing and everyone is grateful for the slightest cooling. Or do they? Because anyone who looks ahead knows that summertime is maintenance time. So if you want to start the winter safely with your production halls or warehouses, it's good to be prepared. After all, the next heating period is often around the corner sooner than you think, which raises the question: is your hall heating system fit for the next season?
  • Rent infrared hall heating. 4 reasons why this is important for companies right now.

    The search for suitable optimization potential in energy-related processes in industrial and commercial companies is not always easy for energy management. Especially as measures in efficiency technologies and renewable energies cost money and the budget is often lacking. Many - ecologically and economically important - measures then fall by the wayside. But does that have to be the case? 
Economic efficiency factor for hall heating

Let's take a look at the heating...

... like your machinery
The work preparation department plans when and where the heat is actually needed. On demand, so to speak. But please do so with the best performance and maximum efficiency.
... like a lighting system
They dim down when no work is being done. And "illuminate" the hall zones at the start of the shift with the heat intensity that is required there.
...like a vehicle
The way you drive determines fuel consumption. With a well thought-out control system, you can keep your heating system on the ideal line. And also achieve significant energy savings.
Today, with over 30 years of experience, we can supply hall heating systems that consume up to 70 % less energy than conventional heating systems. For you and your employees, this means a well-tempered working environment without dust turbulence and draughts - environmentally friendly and at significantly lower costs.
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Variety of applications

The right way for all hall projects

Companies expect different concepts depending on their size and strategy. Medium-sized companies think and decide differently than large corporations. Municipalities think differently than associations. We support you in your project.

You invest wisely and sustainably

Your investment in a new hall heating system should pay off reliably. You decide on the best price/performance ratio. Considering energy costs with a view to the coming years is crucial. You want to invest wisely and make sustainable use of energy and the associated costs.
We support you

You use service providers and reduce your costs

You want to control the temperature of your halls and industrial buildings sensibly. Having a professional company do this for you would be ideal: you get state-of-the-art technology, a warm working environment and probably all at a lower cost. Your energy costs for heating alone will be lower than they are today.
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Say goodbye to high investment sums with low efficiency.

Say goodbye to the wrong technology that entails high energy costs and functional limitations. A clear no to heating systems that provide good key figures in theory but fail to deliver success in practice.
Thomas Kübler, Managing Director of KÜBLER GmbH Energy-saving hall heating systems
Managing Partner
Energy converter. Since 1989.

The idea behind energy-saving hall heating systems from KÜBLER

What we started 35 years ago would probably be celebrated today as an eco-start-up. Back then, we set out to develop better, energy-saving and sustainable concepts for heating halls and industrial buildings. We have been very successful in countless projects for thousands of customers.

Why? Because we are more interested in the spatial world of "Halle" than anything else.
  • Because what works well in offices and residential buildings with room heights of up to three meters loses its effect in halls.
  • Because warm air rises. But the heat is needed at ground level. And because there must be better solutions than simply directing air flows back down again.
  • Because this swirls up even more dust than is absolutely necessary. The warm air rises again - and in the end far too much energy is wasted for far too little benefit.

What makes your hall special

Every hall is different. Don't be surprised if we ask a lot of questions during our first contact. We really want to understand what you need and take a holistic view of your hall building. Then we'll make sure you get our best ideas and concepts: for your energy-saving hall heating.
KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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