KÜBLER hall heating systems

Energy-saving hall heating systems - Reliable for over 30 years

Our expertise in the planning and implementation of energy-saving hall heating systems guarantees you an optimum heat supply that not only meets your specific needs, but also significantly reduces energy consumption and operating costs.
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KÜBLER hall heating systems

What our heart beats for

In the beginning, it was an idea: to save energy where a lot of energy is needed for heating - in hall buildings. Our passion for energy efficiency was born with the development of the first energy-saving hall heating system. This has been our passion for more than three decades.

We believe that infrared is by far the best way to heat halls. Because there are good reasons for this. Among the various technical alternatives for hall heating, infrared is the principle with the most convincing advantages. No technology is better suited to the hall. But the most important advantage of all: infrared requires less energy.

In more than 30 years of company history, we have developed this heating principle into a highly efficient technology. Our systems are multi-award-winning premium solutions. Designed for reliable continuous operation over a service life of 20 years and more.

What else is there to say about KÜBLER at this point? Well, perhaps this: The experience we have gained over three decades and well over 15,000 projects has made us proven experts. In all aspects of hall heating. That is KÜBLER today. And the future? For us, it has always been energy efficiency. We have been setting the trends in energy-saving hall heating since 1989. And that is the heart of our company.

Thomas Kübler, Managing Director of KÜBLER GmbH Energy-saving hall heating systems

Efficiency is when sustainable benefits pay for the investment costs

Many people talk about efficiency today. For KÜBLER, there is more to it than just a catchy term. Efficiency is our identity. The most important feature that characterizes all KÜBLER products and makes them unmistakable. What do our customers get out of it? Look at it this way:
  • Up to 70 percent energy savings
  • A return on investment of 2 to 5 years
  • X-thousand tons less CO2-output
  • And an effective energy-saving measure where sustainable benefits pay for the investment costs

Efficiency has made our technologies unique. But at KÜBLER it has far greater dimensions. Efficiency starts with our recyclable packaging. With recyclable products. With special services such as the spare parts guarantee for every appliance sold to date. Efficiency is also when the systems are tailor-made for almost every customer request, no matter how unusual. And whenever our solutions exceed our customers' expectations.

Energy efficiency at KÜBLER


KÜBLER is an internationally active group of companies. Our business purpose focuses on energy-saving heating systems for large spaces. It takes us along the value chain of development, production, sales and services directly into the heating technology issues of our customers.

More than 130 employees work on heating technology progress every day. With numerous foreign agencies and a nationwide service network, KÜBLER is one of the leading companies in the industry in Europe.
With our commitment, we achieve added value. For our customers: through highly efficient, cost-reducing systems and services. For our partners: through reliability and stable growth. For our environment: through products that reduce CO2-emissions by up to 70 percent. Sustainable.
Building complex with company flags and parking lots.

Corporate Center

KÜBLER GmbH, Ludwigshafen

Managing Director

Kim Henrich


1989, initially under the company name KÜBLER Industriehandel GmbH


Mechanical and plant engineering, automation technology, heating technology

Number of employees

Around 130 employees


Two employees stand opposite each other and discuss their work.

The focus is on people

People meet people. In the company. In the markets. In the public. One of KÜBLER's most important concerns is therefore to live and promote a corporate culture based on ethical principles.

It is characterized by team spirit and mutual respect. Of openness and fairness. This is the only way to build trust. And initiative. Commitment, which we need in order to continue to grow and add value. This is the only way to build and maintain long-term business relationships. And this is the only way to earn the excellent reputation that distinguishes us as a company and employer.
Values and culture at KÜBLER
Logistics hall bathed in blue light with reflective floors, OPTIMA plus dark spotlights from KÜBLER on the ceiling in the same color as the hall.

Our goal? The future

The hall heating system of the future combines the values of the KÜBLER brand with technological innovations. The experience gained from three decades of innovation leadership with the aim of completely rethinking heat supply in large spaces.

To achieve this, we need value-adding growth. Above all, however, we need committed employees who are passionate about their work. That is the central corporate goal. Because this is the only way we can sustainably promote new ideas. Invest in innovative products. And secure our excellent position as a reliable employer and business partner.
Research and development at KÜBLER

Our employees - our values

At KÜBLER, the focus is on people. Our over 130 employees have developed our mission statement. An understanding of values that everyone can identify with and that gives us binding orientation: Who we are, how we act, how we communicate.
  • Enthusiasm: Our entire value chain is designed to inspire our clients. Our employees therefore give their best every day when tackling tasks and challenges.
  • A passion for performance: Anyone aiming for nothing less than the future of energy-efficient hall heating needs vision and a passionate workforce.
  • Responsibility: As a company that measures its self-image against the standards of sustainability, KÜBLER assumes responsibility. As an employer. For the environment and society.
  • Openness and transparency: without this attitude, trusting cooperation cannot work. Communication and exchange are important to us and provide important impetus for creativity and development.
That is important to us. In our dealings with each other, with our customers and business partners. Across national, cultural and ethnic boundaries. Not only to drive progress in heating technology on a daily basis, but also to secure the livelihood of our families.
By the way - KÜBLER is one of the leading companies in the industry in Europe with numerous foreign agencies and a nationwide service network.
Values and culture at KÜBLER
Industrial area from a bird's eye view

Quality & production

With a service life of 20 years and longer, the availability of KÜBLER hall heating systems is legendary. Even under the toughest conditions, such as in the dust-intensive concrete industry, the systems work reliably. KÜBLER technologies are premium heating solutions with very high quality standards for materials, workmanship, functionality and device design. How do we ensure this quality? With excellent suppliers, the highest quality assurance standards and our ultra-modern production center in Dresden.

Production forge to rent

A new generation of machines, together with an excellently qualified team, make Dresden a small, fine production forge - also for the production of external orders. The KÜBLER production center offers you capacities that you can use for the production of your high-quality sheet metal parts.

You have a machine park at your disposal that leaves nothing to be desired. At the center: the TruMatic TC 6000 punch-laser combination machine, a byword for maximum process reliability and precision. And for particular versatility, because there is almost nothing that this machine cannot do. The machine is designed using SolidWorks in combination with Trumpf TruTops Boost. Would you like to find out more about contract manufacturing and the KÜBLER production center in Dresden?
Then get in touch here →
Innovation leadership


All of our work is aimed at becoming more efficient, more intelligent and better. And this striving is recognized almost every year.

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KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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