Handelsblatt Annual Conference "Decarbonization of Industry" - Be part of it!
It's about the future of industry and the path to decarbonization.
Where? On 12 and 13 September at the Handelsblatt Annual Conference 2024 "Decarbonization of Industry" in Düsseldorf. An immensely important topic for many companies. And a unique opportunity for decision-makers, experts and industry insiders to discuss developments, strategies and solutions!
You can also expect exciting insights from this keynote speech: Thomas Kübler, founder and Managing Director of KÜBLER GmbH, will be shedding light on the major and perhaps under-appreciated role of hall heating systems on September 12 from 12:30 to 12:40. Modern heating technologies have what it takes not only to make the transformation economical, but also to counteract the energy cost-related migration trend through high energy-saving potential.
He will then take part in the panel discussion from 12:50 to 13:20 to share his experiences and insights with other industry leaders.
Many people are unaware of the huge impact that energy-efficient hall heating systems can have on reducing CO₂ emissions. Use this cross-industry platform to gain valuable insights and learn how you can actively and affordably contribute to the decarbonization of your processes.
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To the event
You can also read the fascinating guest article by Christine Kübler "No energy transition without an economic policy transition!": No energy turnaround without an economic policy turnaround! - Handelsblatt Live
#Heating construction training #Indoor heating #Energy turnaround #GEG #Building Energy Act #Heating technologies #Indoor heating #Energy efficiency #Workshop heating #Sports hall heating #Commercial heating #Funding #Heating systems #Training #KüblerHall heating systems #Expert knowledge #Planners #Fitters #Heating construction #Energy saving