Shaping the turnaround - one of the best resolutions for 2025
One thing is certain: 2025 cannot be a year for half-hearted plans. Not if the annual motto of too many companies in Germany can be reduced to these two words: "Survive twentyfive".
Do we want to save the economy and thus social prosperity in our country?
Do we want to secure peace in Europe?
Do we want to live in freedom?
Do we want democracy - not because it is perfect, but because it is the best form of government we know?
Then we should stop complaining about the various crises. We should take action.
To achieve this, we need courageous decisions, not least at the ballot box on February 23. Decisions that are made with a clear mind and foresight, not out of spite and anger in the sense of "I'll show them now". To do this, we need trustworthy sources of information - far beyond the algorithm-controlled news and, unfortunately, fake news from the various social media channels.
In his Christmas address to the staff at KÜBLER, founder and Managing Director Thomas Kübler wants to inform them. "If we take our work and families seriously, our day is usually already full. But when you've had to get as deeply involved in politics as I have, you see some things differently.
I would like to share this with you. Because even if it has not yet arrived in society: the turnaround is here. Let's tackle it!"
#TurningTide #CourageousDecisions #Democracy #Economy #Freedom #Peace #SocialProsperity #ActInsteadOfComplaining #FakeNews #ReliableInformation #Elections2025 #ClearSense #ShapingTheFuture #PPoliticsAndSociety #SustainableDecisions #TTacklingTimeTurnarounds